Oliver Wright
Chief Operating Officer
Oliver Wright serves as Chief Operating Officer for Justice Ventures International, providing leadership across JVI’s programs and global operations. Oliver has served for more than 15 years as an international development practitioner, overseeing program strategy and execution across Africa, South Asia and the Middle East at leading international development organizations, including a secondment to the United Nations while working in South Sudan for two years. Prior to joining JVI, Oliver served with International Justice Mission where he was responsible for program strategy and expansion across the Africa and Europe region, with a particular focus on designing, implementing, and measuring interventions to address police brutality and child sex trafficking in Kenya, and leading IJM’s exploration of forced labor issues in the DRC’s cobalt mines. Oliver received an MSc in Public Policy and Management from the School of Oriental and African Studies at the University of London, and a BSc in Politics and Sociology from the University of Bristol (U.K.).